Камчатская рыбалка: река и море (7 дней)

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- Стоимость тура
Краткое описание
Нить маршрута: г. Петропавловск-Камчатский – р. Быстрая (Малкинская) – г. Петропавловск-Камчатский – Авачинская бухта – бухта Русская – г. Петропавловск-Камчатский – оз. Курильское (по желанию) – г. Петропавловск-Камчатский.
Данный тур сочетает в себе сплав, речную и морскую рыбалку. Вы также познакомитесь с жизнью и обычаями коренных малочисленных народов Камчатки. Вам также предоставится возможность понаблюдать и за медвежьей рыбалкой на знаменитом Курильском озере.
День 1: Прибытие на Камчатку, община коренных народов
Arrival in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Meeting at the airport.
Transfer to the sled-dog kennel of a community of the indigenous people of Kamchatka. Getting acquainted with the way of living, religious beliefs and traditions of the local population of the peninsula. Lunch (local cuisine).
Transfer to the hotel with thermal swimming pool and check-in.
Dinner at the hotel. Overnight stay at the hotel.
День 2: П/К – р. Быстрая
Breakfast. Departure from the hotel to the river Bystraya.
Drive to the distance of about 160 km. Arrival at the rafting start point. Preparing the equipment for rafting. Safety measures instructions.
Beginning of rafting and fishing. Stop for fishing at the good fishing spots with deep and wide waters where fish goes to spawn. Fishing will be arranged both from the river bank and from floating rafts.
Fish habitat here includes king salmon, chum salmon, silver salmon, rainbow trout, grayling, Kamchatka steelhead and white spotted char depending on the season. We float down the river without riffles.
Stop for lunch. We cook lunch using the caught fish.
Setting up the camp in the evening. Dinner. Overnight in tents.
День 3: р. Быстрая
Breakfast. Packing the camp.
Rafting continues down the river. Stops for fishing.
Lunch on the bank of the river.
Setting up the camp in the evening. Dinner. Overnight in tents.
День 4: р. Быстрая - П/К
Breakfast. Packing the camp.
Continuing of rafting. There will be some rapids (nice and easy) on your way.
End of Rafting by the «Japanese bridge». Lunch.
Packing up and departing back towards the city. The way back to the hotel (about 190 km) will take us 4 hours.
Return to the hotel. Dinner. Overnight stay at the hotel.
День 5: П/К – бухта Авачинская - бухта Русская - бухта Тихая – П/К
Breakfast. Transfer to the sea quay in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Cruise along the bay Avachinskaya to a natural preserve – the island Starichkov. Then the trip goes to Russkaya bay where we stop for sea fishing.
The way to the island Starichkov goes along the Avacha bay passing the so called ID-card of Kamchatka the rocks "Three Brothers" and lava rock "Devil's finger". You will see the rookeries of the sea mammals and bird colonies. On the way to the Russian bay you can observe whales and the families of “domestic” killer whales, cutting the bay waters with their black triangular fins. As we move further towards the bay, you will discover lazy sea otters lying in the sun near the La Perouse stones. Finally, there is a famous sea lions rookery situated at the entrance to the Russian bay (Cape Kekurniy) and containing about a hundred of animals. Huge males (beach masters) are surrounded by their harem of numerous females. The shores are inhabited by various bird colonies: cormorants, puffins, auklets, ducks and gulls swirling in the air and swooping into water for fish.
On return to town we make one more stop in Tikhaya bay for sea fishing. Lunch on board using the caught fish.
Return to the town in the evening. Transfer back to the hotel. Dinner. Overnight stay at the hotel.
День 6: Свободный день
Завтрак в гостинице.
По желанию Вы можете заказать дополнительные экскурсии по выбору (оговариваются и оплачиваются заранее):
- вертолётная экскурсия на Курильское озеро (наблюдение за нерестом лосося и медвежьей рыбалкой);
- вертолётная экскурсия в Долину Гейзеров;
- автомобильно-пешеходный тур к горному массиву Вачкажец;
- путешествие в кратер вулкана Мутновский.
Ужин и ночь в гостинице.
День 7: Вылет с Камчатки
Завтрак. Посещение рыбного рынка и сувенирного магазина. Трансфер в аэропорт.
- backpack for your personal staff;
- comfortable trekking shoes / trekking boots with high tops;
- gaiters;
- light shoes to change;
- warm hat;
- gloves;
- windproof (fleece) jacket;
- waterproof jacket or raincoat;
- trekking poles (if necessary);
- sunglasses, sunburnt treatment cream;
- personal hygiene products, towel;
- bathing suit;
- mosquito spray;
- individual medical kit;
- head torch.
Стоимость тура по состоянию на 2019 год составляет 77 000 руб. на человека.
* The price includes:
- transport services according to the program;
- hotel accommodation in twin rooms according to the program;
- sea cruise;
- fishing licenses;
- fishing-tackle for sea and river fishing;
- accompaniment (guiding services);
- meals at the hotel and en route;
- services of a cooker;
- accident insurance;
- recreational services of the nature parks of Kamchatka.
* Not included in the price:
- airtickets to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and back;
- Helicopter excursion to the Valley of Geysers or Helicopter excursion to the Kuril Lake (Are paid additionally. The cost of the excursions is 44.000 Rub. and 42.000 Rub. correspondently.);
- alcoholic beverages;
- excursions not mentioned in the program.
* The price of the tour may vary depending on your wishes and the type of accommodation!