Flight over Mutnovsky & Gorely volcanoes, landing in Ksudach caldera and bathing in Khodutka hot springs

- General information
- Detailed program
- Necessary equipment
- Tour cost
Short description
Itinerary: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (PKC) – Gorely volcano - Mutnovsky volcano – Ksudach caldera – Khodutkinskiye hot springs – Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Flight over the most active volcanoes of Kamchatka is follewed by vistis to the miraculous corners of protected area - the caldera of Ksudach volcano and Kodutka hot springs. The flights are made by modern Russian helicopters Mi-8Т.
Additional information:
Mutnovsky volcano (2323 m) – is located in 70 km (44 miles) to the south of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Together with Gorely, Vilyuchinsky, Asacha, this volcano forms a complex multiple-aged massif with Kamchatka and the world’s mightiest fumarole and mud fields and pulsating sources. Mutnovsky consists of four merged cones. One of them – Vostochny (eastern) – is the youngest, and its top is the highest point (2,323 m or 7,621 ft). There are two craters, partially overlapping one another, on the western slope. In 2000, an eruption occurred in one of them. In result, near the famous Active crater a new crater has formed with a blue lake on its bottom. One can observe vapor and gas jets edged with volcanic sulfur on the bottom and walls of the old crater. Sulfur cupolas with height up to 2.5 m (8.2 ft) and diameter up to 5 m (16 ft) can be seen above some of them. There are also water and mud pots here. Cutting the bottom and western walls of the northern crater, the Vulkannaya river forms a 80-meter (262-feet) waterfall in its outlet, and there is a deep canyon – Ovrag Opasny (Dangerous canyon) – is being formed below.
Gorely volcano (1829 m) – is a typical shield-type volcano located in Southern Kamchatka, about 75 km SW of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Its modern edifice is composed of three large superimposed cones and 11 associated craters forming an intra-caldera ridgeline. There is a complex of 40 modern subsidiary cones on the slopes of “Young Gorely”. Andesite-dacitic lavas are exposed on the caldera rim and have a depth of 3-20 m. In the caldera, lava reaches a maximum thickness of 200 m. The explosive activity of 1984 – 1986 produced a crater which is now filled with an acid lake. The slopes of the main crater has multiple fumarolic outlets.
Caldera of Ksudach volcano is the Monument of Nature due to its geological construction. The eruption resulting in the volcano collapse took place in 1907 so that its volcanic ash is still recognized 200 km away from the epicenter of eruption.
09:00: Transfer to the heliport.
To make it more comfortable for you we may pick you up in PKC, Yelizovo or Paratunke village.
The further timing is approximate because the starting time depends on the weather conditions!
10:00: Helicopter flight over Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanoes.
Flight time to the volcanoes is about 20 minutes, flight over each of the volcanoes - 15 minutes.
11:00: Flight to the caldera of Ksudach volcano. Flight time is 20 minutes.
Trekking excursion in the caldera. Hot Beach viewing.
The group is accompanied by an English-speaking guide. Duration of the excursion is 15 - 20 minutes.
12:00: Flight to the next stop. Flight time is about 20 minutes.
Landing at the foot of Khodutka volcano. Bathing in the unique hot river, where temperature of water reaches 40°С.
The springs are believed to have a healing effect as they contain a great amount of silicic acid.
14:00 – 14:40: Flight back to the heliport. Flight time is 40 minutes.
15:00: Transfer back to the hotel.
- backpack for your personal staff;
- comfortable trekking shoes / trekking boots with high tops;
- windproof (fleece) jacket;
- sunglasses, sunburn treatment cream;
- mosquito spray;
- bathing suit;
- personal hygiene products, towel;
- individual medical kit.
The cost of the tour for the year 2020 is 30 000 Rub. or 490 Euro per person.
* The price includes:
- transfer to the heliport and back;
- guiding services;
- accident insurance;
- meals en route (lunch).
* Not included in the price:
- alcoholic beverages.